The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude

Research shows gratitude transforms wellbeing. Intentionally appreciating life amplifies joy.

What is Gratitude?

it is appreciating blessings rather than taking things for granted. Counting gifts.

The Science Behind Gratitude

 Health benefits of gratitude backed by decades of studies. Improves mood, relationships, resilience, etc.

Gratitude Practices to Try

Evidence based techniques to cultivate gratitude including journaling, meditation, , gratitude jar, 

Keeping a Gratitude Journal

Write down 3-5 things you're thankful for and why. Be consistent, specific and sensory.

Gratitude Meditation

Close eyes, take deep breaths and reflect on people, experiences and things you are grateful for. Visualize good flowing to you.

More Than Just a Note

 Personal thank you letters build connection. Share specifics of how someone impacted you. Mail handwritten notes.

Whole Family Involved - Blessings Jar

– Place jar in visible spot. Have everyone write happy moments or gratitude on slips to save. Read together later.

Create a culture of Gratitude in daily life.

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